With winter on its way out and the first blooms of spring making their appearance, the open road starts calling to motorcycle enthusiasts. Before you answer that call, it’s crucial to ensure your motorcycle is as ready for the new season as you are. At 2Brothers Powersports in Onalaska, Wisconsin, we understand the bond between a rider and their machine, and we’re here to guide you through the essential steps of spring motorcycle maintenance. This guide is your starting point to a season of exhilarating rides and unparalleled freedom on the road.

1. Start with a Thorough Inspection

Winter can be harsh on motorcycles, even when stored properly. Begin your spring prep with a detailed inspection:

Tires: Check for wear, cracks, and ensure they are inflated to the manufacturer's recommended pressure. Remember, tires are your only contact with the road, so their condition is paramount. Need new tires? We have the best selection and best prices in the Coulee Region.

Battery: After a long winter, batteries can lose charge. Test your battery’s voltage, and if it’s below 12 volts, it might need a charge or replacement.

Fluids: Check all fluid levels, including engine oil, coolant (for liquid-cooled engines), brake fluid, and clutch fluid if applicable. Look for any signs of leakage and consider changing the fluids if you didn’t do so before storing your bike for the winter.

2. Focus on the Fuel System

Fuel systems can suffer from sitting idle through the winter, especially if the motorcycle was stored with fuel in the tank:

Fuel Quality: If you didn’t add a fuel stabilizer before storage, the fuel might have degraded. Drain old fuel and replace it with fresh gasoline to prevent any starting issues or engine pinging.

Carburetor: For bikes with carburetors, check for any signs of clogging or gumming, which can occur when fuel evaporates and leaves behind residue. A carburetor cleaning might be in order.

Fuel Injectors: For fuel-injected bikes, adding a quality fuel injector cleaner to your tank can help clear out any buildup.

3. Lubricate Moving Parts

Lubrication is vital for many components of your motorcycle, ensuring smooth operation and protection against wear:

Chain: Clean and lubricate the chain to prevent rust and ensure smooth operation. Also, check for proper tension and adjust as necessary.

Cables and Controls: Lubricate control cables to prevent sticking and ensure smooth throttle, clutch, and brake operation.

Pivot Points: Apply grease to pivot points like the kickstand, footpeg pivots, and lever pivots.

4. Electrical and Lighting System Check

A fully functional electrical system is crucial for safety and reliability:

Lights: Check all lights, including headlamps, brake lights, turn signals, and instrument panel lights. Replace any burnt-out bulbs.

Wiring: Inspect wiring for any signs of fraying, rodent damage, or loose connections. Electrical issues can be subtle but problematic if not addressed.

5. Brake System Maintenance

Brakes are your most important safety feature, so give them the attention they deserve:

Brake Pads: Check the thickness of your brake pads. If they’re worn down to the minimum thickness, replace them.

Brake Fluid: Check the color of the brake fluid in the reservoirs. If it’s dark, it’s time for a change. Old brake fluid can absorb moisture, reducing braking efficiency.

6. Clean and Protect

A clean motorcycle not only looks great but is also an opportunity to inspect the bike more closely for issues:

Washing: Give your motorcycle a thorough wash to remove any dirt and grime. Pay attention to hard-to-reach areas where issues might be lurking.

Protection: Apply a protective coat to the paint, chrome, and metal parts to protect against corrosion and the elements.

7. Gear and Safety Equipment Check

Your gear is an extension of your motorcycle’s safety features:

Helmet: Inspect your helmet for any signs of wear or damage. Remember, helmets have a lifespan and should be replaced every five years or immediately if they’ve been in an impact. In the market for a new helmet this Spring? Discover why we love the LS2 Helmet. 

Riding Gear: Check your jacket, pants, gloves, and boots for any wear or damage that could compromise their protective capabilities. Read our guide on selecting the best motorcycle jacket if it's time to replace yours.

Spring motorcycle maintenance is not just about preserving your bike’s longevity; it’s about ensuring every ride is safe, smooth, and enjoyable. By following these essential maintenance tips, you’re setting the stage for a spring and summer filled with the best riding experiences.

Need help getting your motorcycle road-ready for spring? Our team at 2Brothers Powersports in Onalaska is here to assist with all your maintenance needs, from inspections to tune-ups. Stop by today and let us help you kick off your riding season the right way. Here’s to a spring filled with open roads and endless adventures!