Hello, snowmobile enthusiasts of Onalaska and beyond! As we head towards the midpoint of the snowmobiling season, it's crucial to pause and consider the maintenance needs of your snowmobile. Regular upkeep is not just about maintaining performance; it's also about ensuring your safety on the snowy trails. At 2Brothers Powersports, we’re here to guide you through the essentials of mid-season snowmobile maintenance. Let’s dive into the key checks and tune-ups that will keep your ride running smoothly and safely.

Engine Care And Checks

The heart of your snowmobile, the engine, requires constant attention:

  • Check the Spark Plugs: Inspect your spark plugs for wear and replace them if necessary. This can prevent starting issues and ensure efficient fuel use.
  • Inspect the Fuel System: Look for any signs of leakage and ensure the fuel lines are intact. Also, consider using a fuel additive to maintain the quality of your fuel and prevent freezing.

Belt Inspection And Care

The drive belt is critical for transferring power from your engine to the track:

  • Inspect for Wear: Check your belt for cracks, fraying, or glazing. A worn belt can reduce your snowmobile's performance and pose a risk of breaking mid-ride.
  • Carry a Spare: It’s always a good idea to carry a spare belt with you on your rides.

Track Tension And Alignment

An improperly tensioned or aligned track can lead to inefficient rides and increased wear:

  • Adjust the Tension: Make sure your track is neither too tight nor too loose. Consult your snowmobile’s manual for the proper tension settings.
  • Check Alignment: An improperly aligned track can cause your snowmobile to pull to one side, leading to handling difficulties.

Suspension System Check

A well-functioning suspension system ensures a comfortable ride:

  • Look for Damages: Inspect the suspension for any visible damage, loose parts, or leaks.
  • Lubricate Moving Parts: Regular lubrication of the suspension system’s moving parts can prevent wear and improve performance.

Cooling System Maintenance

For liquid-cooled snowmobiles, the cooling system is vital, especially during longer rides:

  • Check Coolant Levels: Ensure the coolant is at the recommended level and top it up if needed.
  • Inspect for Leaks: Look for any signs of leakage in the cooling system to prevent engine overheating.

Skis And Carbides Inspection

The condition of your skis and carbides directly impacts handling and safety:

  • Examine the Skis: Check for cracks or significant wear.
  • Inspect the Carbides: Worn carbides can reduce steering effectiveness, making it harder to control your snowmobile.

Emergency Preparedness

Mid-season is also a good time to check your emergency gear:

  • Update Your Kit: Ensure your emergency kit is complete and items like flares or first-aid supplies are within their expiry dates.
  • Tools and Spares: Carry a basic toolkit and spare parts like spark plugs and belts for on-trail repairs.

Keeping It Clean

Regular cleaning of your snowmobile can prevent rust and corrosion:

  • Wipe Down Your Snowmobile: Clean off any dirt, salt, or grime after each ride.
  • Check for Ice Buildup: Regularly remove ice from the track and undercarriage.

Mid-season maintenance is key to enjoying a safe and uninterrupted snowmobiling experience. Regular checks and tune-ups not only enhance the performance of your snowmobile but also ensure your safety on the trails. Remember, a little effort in maintenance can go a long way in extending the life and enjoyment of your snowmobile.

Need assistance with your mid-season snowmobile maintenance? Visit us at 2Brothers Powersports in Onalaska. Our team of experts is ready to help you with comprehensive checks, tune-ups, and any repairs you might need. Keep your ride in top shape this season with our professional support. See you on the trails!